Responses management

If you’re reading this, it means you’re one of those enthusiastic individuals who has the highest value for customer relations and communication. The mission of this article is to support businesses in the financial and investment sectors in growing in Trustpilot ranking and winning trust from their customers.

Practical advice №1: answer the questions below before reading the article.

  1. Did you analyse the number of Trustpilot reviews?
  2. What is the geography and number of reviewers?
  3. Can you name the main complaints of negative reviews?
  4. Which words are used more frequently in each category of reviews?
  5. Do you believe that good reviews are helpful to readers?
  6. Do you know which of your actual employees is most frequently mentioned in both positive and negative reviews?

Now that you have answers for yourself, let me explain why the right answers to these questions will guide you in improving your company’s presence on Trustpilot. Here you can see important criteria that have an impact on your Trustpilot performance:

1. General number of reviews on your company Trustpilot

What is the purpose of this metric? We can determine the level of activity and loyalty of reviewers of your business based on this metric. You cannot understand the correct direction of your Trustpilot score if you have never looked at the monthly number of reviews from both the positive and negative sides. Many businesses only pay attention to the overall score and spend little time working on the details, which ultimately causes them to be knocked out from the rankings.


trustpilor western union rating example


I’ll use the excellent results in the Western Union case to demonstrate how it operates.

Why does it happen? There is a straightforward answer. Trustpilot is more than just the overall “3.5” scoring they display. It’s much more complicated, and if you want to improve your overall score, you should take into consideration each review and keep track of everything happening on your Trustpilot page on a daily basis. It is not sufficient to simply open and check that everything is “ok.” The endless love starts when you begin each day by checking Trustpilot for any updates.

Important conclusion: each action matters and is not random. As a company owner, marketer, or a person who is trying to solve all media issues and improve the situation you need to know that Trustpilot is not Instagram. Recognising that each Trustpilot action is made with a specific goal and cannot be compared to “one of many likes” is the key difference in this situation. What can the Trustpilot review be compared to? You can see it in the following article, which will discuss how reputational social media, such as Trustpilot, Google Reviews, Yelp, and others, differs from traditional entertainment social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, X, and TikTok.

Insight: If you want to improve your trust score, the very important thing is to work on real customer reviews and check the Trustpilot page four times per day: 10:00 a.m., 12:00 a.m., 14:00 a.m., and 18:00 a.m. This attitude will help you with day-to-day reputation management.

2. Number of reviewers, scam or not scam?

Which is the quantity of reviewers, and how many of the reviews are based on their experience with your brand? Improving Trustpilot involves hidden but very important metrics. You can see an example here:

Improving Trustpilot involves hidden but very important metrics

You can see C. Johnson’s review and also that he has six reviews shared on Trustpilot. There is a very big chance that this review is not a scam. One of his six reviews is about Western Union, and three of his six reviews are about his financial activities and experiences. It’s easy to draw the right conclusion here: this customer is real, and Western Union made a huge mistake by not replying to him on negatives. Do you want to know why it’s crucial for their online reputation?

If you want to know more details, how can you improve your Trustpilot management and read more about other companies reviews on Trustpilot, follow our website and keep in touch.

The second part of this article will be published soon on our blog.

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